Internal Complaints Committee

Internal Complaints Committee

The institution gives utmost importance to providing a safe and non-discriminatory workplace and learning environment for staff and students. The Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) of the college is instituted with this purport. The Committee, coordinated by a senior faculty with representatives from teaching and non-teaching staff, and students is entrusted with the task to curb any form of physical, verbal or non-verbal sexual misconduct. The Committee also conducts awareness programmes and seminars to sensitize its academic community about gender justice, equality, rights and responsibilities and to provide information about the available recourses and redressal mechanism within and outside campus to combat any instance of sexual misbehavior they are subjected or bear witness to.

ICC is a secure platform for students as well as other stakeholders of the institution to openly speak out about their own experience, if any, of being sexually mistreated and not victimize themselves. Any case of sexual harassment or violence reported to the Committee shall be immediately taken up for effective redressal. The Committee shall also ensure transparency and confidentiality in redressing the cases of sexual misconduct, following fair and rigorous enquiry into the matter.


Sl. No Name of the Members Position Designation Phone No.
1 Dr. Princy K G Chair Person Professor 8086412364
2 Dr. Sandhya P A Member Assistant Professor 8086131880
3 Ms. Rachel Paul Member Assistant Professor 9048109621
4 Sr. Anna Rose Member Junior Superintendent 9048234004
5 Ms. Mary Jolve J Member Laboratory Assistant 8136941128
6 Suhaila T Student Student Representative 8129891814
7 Aneetta Sheejan Student Student Representative 8593059277
8 Aleena Babu Student Student Representative 6235820960