The college library began functioning in the same year of inception of college, i.e., in 1981. Initially there was only a simple hall designated for library purpose and that too within the college building. A separate building was blessed for library on 14 th March 2003. During 2003-2004, the library was computerized with open access to internet browsing systems, reprography and CD-RAM facilities. Barcode was introduced in the library in 2004. Barcode label in books and identity cards and Barcode scanner are used in the library.The KOHA software was introduced in the library in 2014.
All computers are equipped with Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC). Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) and DspaceRepository are also employed in the library. Urkund,to check plagiarism, is made available to both staff and students. The library utilizes Vidwan Databaseto collect and document the profile,details of expertise, research works, awards/recognition of faculty members and research scholars.
The college library is fully automated with facility for catalogue searching, information retrieval, circulation, reservation, renewal, membership and statistics carried out with computer assistance. It houses over 30,000 books and has a collection of current awareness and general knowledge related materials from newspapers, periodicals and magazines for members to access. Through the N-LIST programme of INFLIBNET, staff and students can access over 6000 e-journals and 160,800 e-books.
The Library Club is an active body constituted to promote reading and extensive use of the library. The library also conductsinsightful lectures and book reviews for students and staff. The Best Library User Award instituted for both faculty and students also serves to encourage the spirit of reading and learning.The college library functions from 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. on week days and from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. on Saturdays.
To provide the resources and facilities necessary to support and enhance the academic and extracurricular programmes of the college and serve the students, faculty and alumnae and the local community with efficiency and competency.
Designation | Name |
President | Dr. Sr. Kochuthressia |
Vice President | Dr. Sr. Rini Maria |
Secretary | Dr. Sr. Jesmi, Librarian |
Members | |
Heads of the Department | Dr.Princy K. G Ms.Greatal Francis Dr.Merin Francis Dr. Pretty John P |
Student Representative | Sneha P., II B.A. Sociology |
Total number of books | 32372 |
Reference | 1020 |
Journals & periodicals | 97 |
Bound volume – journals | 1582 |
Book bank section | 505 |
Alumnae section | 650 |
Newspapers | 7 |
Maps | 12 |
Globes | 2 |
Thesis | 23 |
Project reports | 550 |
hand written magazine | 8 |
CDs & DVDs | 646 |
Audio cassettes |
Source | Link |
Directory of Open Access Books | http://www.doabooks.org |
Asian Development Review | http://www.adb.org/publications/series/asian-developmentreview |
Census India | http://www.censusindia.gov.in |
Competition Commission of India | http://www.cci.gov.in/ |
D-Lib Magazine | http://www.dlib.org/ |
Demographic Research | http://www.demographic-research.org/default.htm |
Directory of Open Access Journals | http://www.doaj.org |
Directory of Open Access Repositories | http://www.opendoar.org |
Economic Journal Watch | http://econjwatch.org/ |
Economics Bullettin | http://www.economicsbulletin.com/ |
Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management | http://www.ejkm.com/main.html |
Free Medical Subject Journals | http://openmed.nic.in |
Genders-Journal | http://www.genders.org/ |
Information Research :An International Journal | http://informationr.net/ir/ |
International Journal of Doctoral Studies | http://www.informingscience.us/icarus/journals/ijds/ |
International Journal of Economics and Finance | http://ccsenet.org/journal/index.php/ijef |
Journal of Artificial Intelligence | http://www.scialert.net/jindex.php?issn=1994-5450 |
Journal of E-Literacy | http://www.jelit.org/index.html |
Journal of Electronic Publishing | http://www.journalofelectronicpublishing.org/ |
Journal of Software Engineering | http://www.scialert.net/jindex.php?issn=1819-4311 |
Judgement Information System | http://www.judis.nic.in/ |
Kerala Government Portal | http://www.kerala.gov.in/ |
Legal Information Institute of India | http://http://liiofindia.org/ |
Library Portal | http://infolibrarian.com/ |
http://infolibrarian.com/ | http://linuxforu.com |
MG University Thesis | http://www.mgutheses.in/ |
National Council of Applied Economic Research | http://www.ncaer.org/ |
National Digital Repository | http://www.egyankosh.ac.in/ |
http://www.egyankosh.ac.in/ | http://www.niscair.res.in |
National Portal of India | http://india.gov.in/ |
National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning | http://nptel.iitm.ac.in/ |
Networked Digital Library of Thesis and Dissertations | http://www.ndltd.org |
Sage Publication Online | http://online.sagepub.com |
Open Thesis | http://www.openthesis.org/Ruralindiaonline |
Sadhana:Academy Proceedings in Engineering Science | http://www.ias.ac.in/sadhana |
Shodh Gangothri | http://shodhgangotri.inflibnet.ac.in/ |
ShodhGanga | http://shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/ |
Society for Judgement and Decision Making | http://journal.sjdm.org/ |
Trends in Agricultural Economics | http://scialert.net/jindex.php?issn=1994-7933 |
Union Budget and Economic Survey | http://indiabudget.nic.in/index.asp |
IMF E-Library | http://www.elibrary.imf.org/ |
E-Paper | Link |
Malayala Manorama | Click here |
Mathrubhumi | Click here |
Kerala Kaumudi | Click here |
Deshabhimani | Click here |
Madhyamam | Click here |
Mangalam | Click here |
Deepika | Click here |
E-Paper | Link |
The Times of India | Click here |
The New Indian Express | Click here |
The Hindu | Click here |
Deccan Chronicle | Click here |