Under the provision of RTI any citizens can request for information from state or central government departments and offices. And such request should be processed in a timely way as mandated by the RTI Act. This Act intends to set out the practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, the constitution of a Central Information Commission and State Information Commissions and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. Any queries under the Right to Information Act 2005 should be addressed to the Public Information Officer of the College.
Appellate Authority: | Dr. Sr. Licy A. D Principal |
Public Information Officer: | Dr. Sr. Rini Raphael Assistant Professor Department of Zoology Phone: 7034609210 Email: riniraphael@carmelcollegemala.ac.in |
Asst. Public Information Officer: | Sr. Laly P. P Jr. Superintendent |