Evaluation and Grading

Under-Graduate Programmes

Mark system is followed instead of direct grading for each question. For each course in the semester letter grade and grade point are introduced in 10- point indirect grading system.

Course Evaluation

The evaluation scheme for each course shall contain two parts:
1. Internal Assessment.
2. External Evaluation.
20% weight shall be given to the internal assessment. The remaining 80% shall be for the external evaluation.

1. Internal Assessment

20% of the total marks in each course are for internal examinations. The marks secured for internal assessment only need to be sent to University by the colleges concerned.

The internal assessment shall be based on a predetermined transparent system involving written tests, Class room participation based on attendance in respect of theory courses and lab involvement /records attendance in respect of Practical Courses.

Internal assessment of the project will be based on its content, method of presentation, final conclusion and orientation to research aptitude.

Components with percentage of marks of Internal Evaluation of Theory Courses

Test paper 40%
Assignment 20%
Seminar 20%
Class room participation based on attendance 20%

For practical courses

Record 60%
Lab involvement 40%

To ensure the transparency of the evaluation process, the internal assessment marks awarded to the students in each course in a semester shall be notified on the notice board at least one week before the commencement of external examination. There shall not be any chance for improvement for internal marks.

The course teacher(s) shall maintain the academic record of each student registered for the course, which shall be forwarded to the University by the college Principal after obtaining the signature of both course teacher and Head of the Department.

The split up of marks for Test paper and Class Room Participation (CRP) for internal evaluation are as follows.

Split up of marks for Test Paper

Range of marks in test paper Out of 8 (maximum internal marks is 20) Out of 6 ( maximum internal marks is 15)
Less than 35 % 1 1
35%-45% 2 2
45%-55% 3 3
55%-65% 4 4
65%-85% 6 5
85%-100% 8 5

Split up of marks for Class Room Participation

Range of CRP Out of 4 (maximum internal
marks is 20)
Out of 3 ( maximum internal
marks is 15)
50% CRP < 75% 1 1
75% CRP < 85% 2 2
85% and above 4 3

External Evaluation

External evaluation carries 80% marks. All question papers shall be set by the University. The external question papers may be of uniform pattern with 80/60 marks. The courses with 2/3 credits will have an external examination of 2 hours duration with 60 marks and courses with 4/5 credits will have an external examination of 2.5 hours duration with 80 marks.


Indirect grading system is based on a 10- point scale and is used to evaluate the performance of students. Each course is evaluated by assigning marks with a letter grade (O, A + , A, B + , B, C, P, F, I or Ab) to that course by the method of indirect grading.

An aggregate of P grade (after external and internal put together) is required in each course for a pass and also for awarding a degree (A minimum of 20% marks in external evaluation is needed for a pass in a course. But no separate pass minimum is needed for internal evaluation).

No separate grade/mark for internal and external will be displayed in the grade card: only an aggregate grade will be displayed. Also the aggregate mark of internal and external is not displayed in the grade card. A student who fails to secure a minimum grade for a pass in a course is permitted to write the examination along with the next batch. However, a student is permitted to move to the next semester irrespective of SGPA obtained.

Post-Graduate Programmes

The evaluation scheme for each course shall contain two parts; (a) Internal / Continuous Assessment (CA) and (b) External / End Semester Evaluation (ESE). Of the total, 20% weightage shall be given to Internal evaluation / Continuous assessment and the remaining 80% to External/ESE and the ratio and weightage between Internal and External is 1:4. Primary evaluation for Internal and External shall be based on 6 letter grades (A+, A, B, C, D and E) with numerical values (Grade Points) of 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 & 0 respectively.

Grade Point Average: Internal and External components are separately graded and the combined grade point with weightage 1 for Internal and 4 for external shall be applied to calculate the Grade Point Average (GPA) of each course. Letter grade shall be assigned to each course based on the categorization based on Ten-point Scale provided in clause 20.2 of this regulation.

Evaluation of Audit Courses: The examination and evaluation shall be conducted by the college itself either in the normal structure or MCQ model from the Question Bank and other guidelines provided by the University/BoS. The Question paper shall be for minimum 20 weightage and a minimum of 2 hour duration for the examination. The result has to be intimated / uploaded to the University during the Third Semester as per the notification of the University.


This assessment shall be based on a predetermined transparent system involving periodic written tests, assignments, seminars and viva-voce in respect of theory courses and based on tests, lab skill and records/viva in respect of practical courses. The criteria and percentage of Weightage assigned to various components for internal evaluation are as follows:

(A) Theory:

Sl. No. Component Percentage Weightage
1 Examination/Test 40% 2
2 Seminars/Presentation 20% 1
3 Assignment 20% 1
4 Attendance 20% 1

(B) Practical:

Sl. No. Component Percentage Weightage
1 Lab Skill 40% 4
2 SRecord/Viva 30% 3
3 Practical test 30% 3

Grades shall be given for the internal evaluation are based on the grades A+, A, B, C, D& E WITH GRADE POINTS 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 &0 respectively.

The overall grades shall be as per the Ten-point scale There shall be no separate minimum Grade Point for internal evaluation. To ensure transparency of the evaluation process, the internal assessment marks awarded to the students in each course in a semester shall be published on the notice board before 5 days of commencement of external examination. There shall not be any chance for improvement of internal marks.

The course teacher shall maintain academic record of each student registered for the course, which shall be forwarded to the University, through the college Principal, after being endorsed by the Head of the Department. For each course there shall be class test/s during a semester. Grades should be displayed on the notice board. Valued answer scripts shall be made available to the students for perusal.

Each student shall be required to do assignment/s for each course. Assignments after valuation must be returned to the students. The teacher shall define the expected quality of the above in terms of structure, content, presentation etc. and inform the same to the students. Punctuality in submissions is to be considered. Every student shall deliver Seminar / Presentation as an internal component for every course and must be evaluated by the respective course teacher in terms of structure, content, presentation and interaction. The soft and hard copies of the seminar report are to be submitted to the course teacher.

All the records of Continuous Assessment (CA) must be kept in the college and must be made available for verification by University, if asked for. There shall be an objective test in the nature of Fill in the blanks / Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for awarding internal assessment marks for SDE/Private Registration students.


  • The semester- end examinations in theory courses shall be conducted by the University with question papers set by external experts. The evaluation of the answer scripts shall be done by examiners based on a well- defined scheme of valuation.
  • After the external evaluation, only Grades are to be entered in the space provided in the answer script for individual questions and calculations need to be done only up to the cumulative Grade Point (CGP) and all other calculations including grades are to be done by the University.
  • Students shall have the right to apply for revaluation or scrutiny as per rules within the time permitted for it.
  • Photocopies of the answer scripts of the external examination shall be made available to the students for scrutiny on request by them as per rules.
  • The external evaluation shall be done immediately after the examination preferably in a centralized valuation camp.

The language of writing the examination shall be separate regulations for the programme by the concerned BOS.
