The Speaker’s Forum, Department of English, organized a regional webinar on the topic “Mind Our Minds: Emotional Wellness During the Pandemic” on 19th June 2021, through Google Meet. The session was handled by Ms Anna Hema, Senior Clinical Psychologist, Counselor and psychotherapist, YourDost, an online counselling and psychological support system enabling users to seek support from psychologists and other trained individuals. The webinar, attended by 153 participants, began at 11:00 A.M. followed by a Q & A session, where the speaker addressed their queries and concerns. Dr Pretty John P., Head of the department welcomed the gathering and Ms F. Merline Rodrigues moderated the session. The resource person provided several valuable tips to assist the individual in managing any distressed states of mind. With the raging pandemic and the anxiety that wells up in one’s mind, the participants found the session both refreshing and enriching. The webinar came to a close by 12:15 P.M. with the Vote of Thanks by Ms Linda P. Joseph, Faculty Co-ordinator of Speaker’s Forum.